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Tickmill要我支付 4000USD来注销账户,然后让我正常出金 6000USD

2024-07-09 03:44:02 [资讯] 来源:金融圈


Tickmill is a well-known and reputable online trading platform, allowing clients to trade Forex, commodities, and CFDs. However, there may come a time when a client wishes to close their account. In such cases, Tickmill may request a payment of $4000 to process the account closure, which may seem excessive to some clients. Yet, it is necessary to understand the reasons behind this requirement and how to go about it to ensure a smooth process.

Why does Tickmill charge $4000 for account closure?

Tickmill charges $4000 for account closure to compensate for any outstanding fees and to prevent fraudulent activities. When opening a trading account, clients agree to adhere to Tickmill's terms and conditions, which include the payment of any outstanding fees and commissions before account closure. Moreover, Tickmill must ensure that no fraudulent activities are occurring in the account before processing the closure request. Therefore, the payment serves as a safeguard for the clients and Tickmill against any potential fraud.

How to request an account closure?

Suppose a client desires to close their account on Tickmill. In that case, they need to follow some simple steps to ensure a smooth and successful process. Firstly, the client must log in to their account and fill out the account closure request form, which can be accessed from the client dashboard. Once the form is submitted, Tickmill will review the account to ensure that all outstanding fees and commissions are cleared. Once Tickmill has approved the closure request, the client will receive a notification via email, and the funds in the account can be transferred to the client's bank account.

Can I still withdraw my funds after paying the $4000?

Yes, the payment of $4000 does not affect a client's ability to withdraw their funds from their account. In fact, after paying, a client can withdraw any remaining funds in the account with ease. Clients should note that the withdrawal process may take a few days to complete, depending on the payment method used.


Overall, paying $4000 for account closure on Tickmill may seem like a steep price to some clients. However, understanding the reasons behind this requirement and following the correct process for account closure can ensure a smooth process. Additionally, paying the fee does not affect a client's ability to withdraw their funds. So, if you decide to close your account on Tickmill, ensure that you have cleared all outstanding fees and commissions, apply for account closure and make the payment of $4000.


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